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A member registered Oct 05, 2019

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I bought the tool two years ago for a game jam and never used it until a couple of months ago. Since then, I integrated it in to my workflow. I  can recommend it to anyone who works with tiles. It is one of those tools that do just one thing but do it very, very well! 

I really like the new animated enemies. I wonder one thing: Due to the night setting - the enemies are much less saturated than the characters and assets in your Grass Land pack. Will all the environments have their own "tone", or can enemies and assets exchanged between  some of them? Putting daytime graphics in to the night is not a problem, but the other way around will be a lot of overpainting. I am just interested what you plan. 

Best and nice work

(2 edits)

Do you plan to release also other characters with your environments or "just" enemies? Similar to the Warrior in the Grass Land